The Grand Budapest Hotel: Performance

Ralph Fiennes plays the hotel’s concierge, M. Gustav. The character of Gustav is very strict and competent, and is a figure of authority and self-control.

The pace and tone of Fiennes’ dialogue is very quick and calm. He gives out constant orders with a strict and confident tone, which signals to the audience his position above the other hotel staff. He also speaks very quickly and does not stumble on his words, which shows that he is a competent and capable manager.

His voice is quiet and calm, but also has a tone of authority and power. He also never said please, to show that he is an effective manger who does not waste his words.

Madame .D played by Hilda Swindon. M. Gustave’s nervous guest.

Gustave’s mannerisms are also very precise and confident. He moves around the room very quickly and calmly, with the non-verbal expression of someone who know what they are doing and knows that they will have their orders seen to. He moves his arms to give instructions very fluidly, almost like a bale dancer. This and the way that he moves so confidently show that he has planned and precisely timed movements to match that of the camera.

The blocking is also done to keep Gustav precisely centre-frame constantly throughout the one-take, which shows the audience that he is the centre of authority, and an important character. When we first see him, he seems to be reflecting as he looks from his balcony. This paints him as a reflective and wise person.

Ralph Fiennes’s (Right) movement and tone reflex tone the image of a confident and assured person.

His posture is poised and upright, to show that he is strict and keeps himself in order. His movements are purposeful, since he knows what his job is. It shows that he is experienced and has probably done this same thing before.

He leans into the conversation to show feigned interest, and when the conversation doesn’t go his way he show his frustration, before regaining control and continuing his calm demeanour and confident tone. But this breaks when he sees the varnish he doesn’t like, and then the prediction of his movements and confident tone stop briefly. he also interrupts his guest to make sure that she is calm and does not protest to leaving.

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