Production Diary: Screenplay Conventions

A screenplay is the script of a film. As part of the preparation process, I’ll need to create one for my coursework. To do this, I’ll familiarise myself with screenplay formatting and conventions.

As my production idea and treatment have been done already, I will need to break my plot into arcs/components. These will be the introduction scene, which will probably last a minute. Then, the second act, which will follow the protagonists story, lasting probably 3 minutes. And, finally, the conclusion, wrapping up the plot and resolving the conflict, which will also likely last a minute.

From looking into screenplay conventions, I know that it is necessary to describe each shot and action in detail. The screenplay is the foundation of the storyboard, which will both be used to create my film precisely as Ive planned. As long as I stick to exactly what the screenplay and storyboard say, I will have each action, shot, camera movement, line, delivery, tone and expression prepared to film. So while writing my screenplay, I need to build as much detail as possible to get my vision across and help me decide on any necessary changes before filming. This is why I have been advised to write a draft screenplay.

One piece of advice I read was that I should write a first draft, read over it and make changes if needed, and then write a final draft or however many necessary until I’ve come to a final draft. I’ve read that I should not bee to critical of my first draft, and to just write what I feel I should. I should not go back and update actions or dialogue until I’ve finished the first draft. Instead I should finish, go back through it, analyse and edit where I feel its necessary. After taking a break, I should come back and make readjustment to improve the script. This may require multiple redrafts before I come to my final draft. As I will need to show evidence of draft screenplays alongside my final draft, I will do this, and take time in realising and perfecting my screenplay to match the story I’m setting out to make.

As part of my preparation for writing the screenplay, I wrote a screenplay for another short, 5 or so minute film. This one I spent a few hours writing after creating a treatment to go off. This will go into my film portfolio once it is made, but in the meantime has made me more familiar with sticking to the screenplay format and using screenplay conventions.

Above is the screenplay that I wrote. This was partly to practice for the coursework script and also to have it ready to include in my film portfolio, as I am also preparing to make another short film in my spare time. What is shown here is the second and likely final draft. I received input that the dialogue was too obvious about character emotion and intention, lacked subtlety or, in other words, was too on the nose. I went back and made it less revealing of the characters’ emotions, etc. I also made it less wooden at points, such as the long monologue in the centre. I wanted it to sound realistic, so thought about how two real people would communicate this conversation in this scenario, depending on the personality’s and backstory’s I’ve given them here, and I feel it works and flows better now.

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